Starting A Meditation Practice can be Intimidating, Confusing, and Frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be. try these 5 Self Practice Meditation Techniques For Beginners!
Starting a meditate practice can be overwhelming. Most people start to dip their toe into meditation with guided or recorded meditations. These can be great BUT they have their limitations too:
- wasted time searching and looking for the exact meditate you want
- not enjoying the person’s voice
- getting distracted with notifications on the device you are listening to it on
This is why having a few self-practiced mediation techniques can be really beneficial. Time is precious and you’re not spending it on google or YouTube, You can get right to practicing without fiddling with devices and volume and all you need is yourself.
So set aside some time and learn a few of these easy-to-remember self guided mediation techniques.
Start seated comfortably and then focus your eyes on one thing that is directly in front of you.
Stay with this one thing and ignore everything else. Ignore all the other parts of the room and anything that might be moving or trying to get your attention.
Stay with this for a while and then let your eyes soften, bringing in more and more of the peripheral sight into play.
Continue to do this little by little.
Can you soften so much that everything becomes one and you no longer focus on one thing.

This meditate helps to focus the mind and quiet the chatter.
Without changing the breath and just letting the breath be as it is.
Count to 5 and then back down to 1 keeping your attention on the number and the breath.
Inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3, exhale 4, inhale 5, exhale 4, inhale 3. exhale 2. inhale 1.
Repeat as long as you’d like noticing how your mood or breath changes.
This is a great meditate to help us not get anxious or too worried about what’s happening in life.
Now what? It’s a simple one.
As thoughts arise, you will simply let them go without attaching any emotion or worry to them. Recognize what’s happening now, be okay with it and think to yourself-now what?
I sit and notice my ankle is a little uncomfortable, I feel that and then think okay now what? Then I notice the sound of a car driving by I hear that and say Okay, now what? Hungry? Now what?
Continue as long as you want. Maybe notice if the thoughts or worries slow down.
Builds intimacy with yourself and your thought process.
Imagine yourself inside a fish tank, sitting at the bottom.

When you recognise a thought, let it come out of your head into a bubble.
Watch it float to the surface and as it reaches the top, watch it pop.
Bring attention back onto another thought and repeat.
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This is a great meditation to practice slowing the thoughts and working on quieting in stillness.
Instead of focusing on a sensation or a thought, you will seek out the silence.
When you find it try to stay there.
This can be a frustrating practice.
Remember, this is something you will get better at with more practise and remember, you’re developing a skill

Incorporate these 5 self practice meditation techniques for beginners to enhance your meditation journey. They will help you focus your mind, manage emotions and find peace. To deepen your knowledge and skills, consider enrolling in a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.