What is Hatha Yoga?

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha yoga is an ancient physical exercise practice with benefits that range from physical to mental. Many yoga classes are designed to build toward a peak pose, which may be a balance pose, standing pose, or reclining pose. However, these poses are not the sole focus of the class. There may also b…

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What is Pranamaya Kosha? – Exploring the Energy Body or Pranic Body

What is Pranamaya Kosha? – Exploring the Energy Body or Pranic Body

Introduction The pranamaya kosha is the energetic layer of life force, respiration, or vital energy. The Sanskrit term “prana” means life force and is also the word for breath. Being conscious of this kosha allows you to start the flow of energy that was previously stuck, leading to a higher sense of energy and a stronger relationship with yourself, the people around you, and the environment. Lets Explore in this

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What is Pranayama in Yoga? and How Can It Help Your Yoga Practice?

What is Pranayama in Yoga? and How Can It Help Your Yoga Practice?

Most of the People have this Question that What is Pranayama in Yoga ? It is an ancient yogic practice that has been used for centuries to promote physical and mental wellbeing. It is a Sanskrit term meaning “breath control” and encompasses a variety of breathing exercises and techniques that are used to improve health and mindfulness. Pranayama is an essential part of most forms of yoga, as it helps to build

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What are the Paths of Yoga

What are the Paths of Yoga

The Paths of Yoga The two main Paths of Yoga Sadhana are Abhayaas and Vairagya. Abhyaas – Practice To Consistently which continuity remain on the positive path or direction is Abhyaas; to still the mind or consciousness, to still the thoughts, intellect and feelings etc, while keeping the mind free from distraction and continuing with the discipline of yoga is Abhyaas. Vairagya – Detachment To keep rejecting the negative path

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Why Rishikesh is famous for Yoga

Why Rishikesh is famous for Yoga

Rishikesh is considered worldwide as the “Yoga Capital of the World.” Does Rishikesh deserve such a distinguished title? Let us understand in detail why Rishikesh is famous for Yoga. Definitely Yes! There are many reasons why Rishikesh is considered the yoga capital of the world. Rishikesh is an ideal place to practice Yoga. The beautiful setting of the river Ganges is conducive to practicing Yoga. Diving into the holy Ganges River, you will

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What is Vasitva Siddhi? – Power of absolute control over all things

What is Vasitva Siddhi? – Power of absolute control over all things

The power to control all elements of the physical world is referred to as Vasitva in Sanskrit. This is one of the eight divine powers, known as ashta siddhis, that a yogi can attain through intense and extensive meditation and other yogic exercises, as described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Vasitva Siddhi is synonymous with self-command, mastery of one’s own self, enchantment, and autonomy. Specifically, Vasitva is the capacity to direct living

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What is Ashtanga Yoga ?

What is Ashtanga Yoga ?

Ashtanga yoga is an assertive discipline of yoga that was classified and promoted by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga means eight limbs or branches, referring to the eight limbs of yoga outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The word Ashtanga is derived from Sanskrit, which means eight limbs. Each limb (anga) describes an aspect that helps the yogi follow the path to attain the most profound state of conscious awareness

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What are the Obstacles in Yoga Sadhana?

What are the Obstacles in Yoga Sadhana?

Any Seeker or Practitioner, when he takes the path of Yoga Sadhana, starts to be tested in different ways, not only by the world but also by nature itself. The Practitioner goes through all kinds of obstacles when he is on path of Yoga Sadhana. Do you know any one practitioner who has not had the world fling dirt on him. – Is there any practitioner who was not free

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What is Annamaya Kosha? – Unveiling the Mysteries of Sheath of Physical Body

What is Annamaya Kosha? – Unveiling the Mysteries of Sheath of Physical Body

Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of your physical body? Sure, you may know the basics of human anatomy, but what about the deeper layers of your being? Here we are talking about the Annamaya Kosha, also known as the food sheath or the physical layer of your being. It’s the layer of your being that holds the secrets to your physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.

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