What Is Self-Care?

What Is Self-Care?

We’ve all heard about self-care, but what is it exactly? Our society has become hyper-focused on physical health, exercising, and eating right, but not so much on the importance of tending to your mind and soul. It’s only recently that mental health even became an accepted topic of conversation, and…

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Chakras 101: An Introduction to the 7 Chakras

Chakras 101: An Introduction to the 7 Chakras

You may have heard about chakra healing and chakra balancing, but what does it mean exactly? This post will break down what the chakras are, what they represent, and how they impact our minds, bodies, and lives. To start, it’s important to know that each chakra is represented by a specific color, na…

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Awakening the Sacral Chakra

Awakening the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the second of the seven main chakras in our bodies and is connected to our emotions and creativity. The sacral chakra represents our emotional well-being, passion, and the ability to flow with life. It is located in our sacrum, which sits over the pelvis about two inches below t…

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Awakening the Root Chakra 

Awakening the Root Chakra 

The root chakra is the first of the seven main chakras in our bodies and helps us feel grounded, safe, and centered. When any chakra is out of balance or has stuck energy, it can cause both physical and emotional symptoms within us. The root chakra sits at the base of the spine and develops from con…

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5 Foods To Ease An Upset Stomach

5 Foods To Ease An Upset Stomach

Upset stomachs, or nausea, can happen for all sorts of reasons. Maybe you ate something past the expiration date, drank too much, or the medication you take is hard on your stomach.Before Pepto-Bismo and Tums, people used foods to calm their tummy. Here is a list of foods to soothe and comfort an up…

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Yoga

What Are The Health Benefits Of Yoga

Many have been taking up yoga due to the many health benefits it brings to both their physical and mental states. It is a fantastic way to start the day before you do your more menial tasks. Yoga brings tons of great benefits that will help you improve your overall health and condition. Despite ster…

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The Benefits of Yoga for Pregnancy: Nurturing the Baby

The Benefits of Yoga for Pregnancy: Nurturing the Baby

In this article, we will explore the benefits of yoga for pregnancy, providing a range of advantages for physical health, mental well-being, and preparation for childbirth. Pregnancy is a transformative journey filled with physical and emotional changes. During this precious time, it is essential to…

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Diver Balancing Pose for Strength and Flexibility

Diver Balancing Pose for Strength and Flexibility

Today, we will look into the beautiful world of Yoga, and specifically, we will explore the “Drinking Bird” yoga pose. Diver Balancing This pose, named for its resemblance to the drinking bird toy, is a calming yet energizing practice that helps to build strength, balance, and focus. The diver’s pos…

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